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Who we are


Refractories are essential for all high-temperature industrial processes.

The lining of every single reactor, transport vessel or kiln uses a wide range of refractory products including bricks, monolithics and high-temperature insulation wool.

Refractories play the triple role of providing mechanical strength, protection against corrosion and thermal insulation. They are adapted to each specific application through fine-tuning and a careful choice of the different raw materials and their processing.

Innovative refractory products provide resource-efficient solutions to downstream industries and have been instrumental in the development of key breakthrough processes. And last but not least, refractories are also indispensable as kiln linings or physical support during the firing of all ceramic products.

Around 70% of refractories are sold to the steel industry.

Find out more at the World Steel Association website.

© 2018 by World Refractories Association. All rights reserved




ATHOR Project

ATHOR (Advanced THermomechanical multiscale mOdelling of Refractory linings) is an innovative, collaborative and interdisciplinary project that brings together 15 early stage researchers, 7 academic beneficiaries and 8 private partners. This 4-year European Training Network (ETN) program started in October 2017 as a Marie-Sklodowska-Curie action (Innovative Training Network – ITN). The ATHOR network is firstly dedicated to train researchers in multi engineering required fields for a better understanding of thermomechanical behaviour of refractory linings used in I&S applications.

The main scientific objective of the ATHOR network is to adapt and develop the most advanced modelling strategies and experimental technologies to the field of refractory to be able to perform reliable computations and measurement in the temperature range of the applications of these materials. ATHOR targets the development of high-end engineering technologies in the fields of material’s science and numerical simulations to give a substantial contribution through the design of more robust and reliable refractory linings. Ultimately, it represents a reduction of the refractory costs, an increase of the equipment’s availability and an enhanced process control. In addition to the great energy savings that meets the industrial partner’s interests, the ATHOR project contributes also to tackling environmental issues.

ATHOR  is taking part in the IAU-BBC series “Aiming Higher”. These short documentaries were developed in a cooperation between the International Association of Universities (IAU) and BBC StoryWorks with the objective to produce a series on higher education that illustrates how universities are playing a key role in addressing societal transformations.

The ATHOR project is supported by our members Imerys, RHI Mangesita and Saint Gobain.

© 2019 BBC StoryWorks 



The motivation of energy-intensive industries to decarbonize has become increasingly imperative, particularly in the context of the European Green Deal. This ambitious policy framework, initiated by the European Union in 2020, aims to transform the region into the world's first climate-neutral continent by 2050. Energy-intensive industries, such as Iron and Steel, Cement, Glass and Super alloys, are pivotal contributors to carbon emissions. The urgent need to address climate change, the targets outlined in the European Green Deal, economic incentives, and a growing global consciousness of environmental sustainability, have led energy-intensive companies to commit to becoming Net Zero by 2050. This paradigm shift not only aligns with the overarching goals of the European Green Deal but also underscores the industry's recognition of its responsibility in mitigating climate change and fostering a greener and more sustainable future. The urgent challenge for Energy Intensive Industries across Europe, is to stay economically competitive while being the pioneers in investing and developing breakthrough technologies for decarbonization. As refractory materials play a pivotal role as key enablers for energy-intensive industries, research and development in these areas is a must to positively impact carbon neutrality targets across the board.   

Having already identified these objectives as priorities, certain European Energy-Intensive Industries (EIIs) joined forces in 2020 to formulate a new initiative titled "Concerted European Action on Sustainable Applications of Refractories (CESAREF)". With the dual pursuit of increasing competitiveness and helping the decarbonization of European energy intensive industries, the European Union's flagship Research and Innovation programme, Horizon Europe, funded CESAREF (which started in October 2022) for 4 years.

CESAREF is a consortium that regroups 25 European academic and industrial partners from across the refractories industry (Raw materials producers: ELKEM, IMERYS, Refractories producers: Calderys, RHI-Magnesita, Vesuvius, St-Gobain, Pyrotek, RTA and Steuler and End users: Tata Steel, ArcelorMittal and Safran). This ambitious project is focused on four key areas :

  • Efficient use of mineral resources and recycling

  • Microstructural design for sustainable optimisation

  • Anticipation of Hydrogen in steel making

  • Energy efficiency and durability

At the heart of the consortium, 15 Doctoral Candidates have been selected from around the world, to be supported by the world renowned academic and industrial experts. They will develop strong links between academia and industry, with at least 50% of their time in industrial environments, while receiving training in cutting edge techniques and state of the art technologies and methodologies. They will become familiar with processes such as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), synchrotron technologies, experimental techniques in Hydrogen environments and the development of digital twins.  This will result in 15 highly trained refractories engineers with the diverse mind and skill-set necessary to respond the needs of industry over the next 30 years.

Through these concerted efforts, CESAREF aims to shape the future of refractory technology and contribute significantly to the sustainable transformation of energy-intensive industries. You can keep up-to speed with the advances made by our CESAREF doctoral candidates on our website and by following our social media platforms (Facebook, instagram, youtube, LinkedIn).

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement no.101072625.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or REA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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World Refractories 
Association AISBL

12 rue Belliard
1040 Brussels, Belgium
T: +32 2 808 38 80

The WRA Secretariat is held by the European Refractories Producers Federation, PRE.

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