The Board and General Assembly of the World Refractories Association (WRA) took place on Thursday 17 November on the occasion of IREFCON 2022 in Kolkata, India. The new WRA President Parmod Sagar welcomed all participants and stressed the importance of intra-industry cooperation. “As a globally operating industry we need to be prepared to make constant changes to adapt to all the challenges; this requires more collaboration between us”, President Sagar stated during his opening speech to the WRA Board. “WRA can be a good platform to improve in all areas of cooperation to build a more cohesive industry”, added the President.

The WRA Board and General Assembly meetings offered the opportunity to present the progress of the work developed by the WRA committees, on safety, technical aspects and communication.
The next WRA Board meeting will be organised on 30 March 2023 in an online format. The next General Assembly will be held on the occasion of UNITECR 2023 Frankfurt, Germany, on 28 September, in conjunction with the second Board meeting of the year.
