The role of refractories as an essential industry for almost all production processes worldwide.
The safe and responsible operations of refractory production globally need to continue. Governing bodies must focus efforts on essential businesses to remain open in periods of crisis, to support health systems operations, and help guarantee global safety and national security.
Refractories is an industry that must continue to operate, given its critical role in the daily operations of almost every sector of manufacturing. Without the protective material properties of refractories, furnaces used to contain the molten steel, glass, or cement, among other raw materials, necessary for manufacturing vehicles such as ambulances, constructing hospitals, and the roads we rely on, manufacturing the needed medical equipment, or even building the modern communications systems that we use, critical to remain connected specially in moments of crisis.
Producers in the steel, aluminum, copper, glass, chemicals, energy, waste management, and pulp & paper industries are responsible for supplying the essential materials to produce massively needed items such as hospital beds, respirators, face masks, and other essential medical tools and devices to aid people immediately amid a crisis. Their production processes would come to a halt without refractories.
Our mission at WRA is to enhance worldwide awareness of refractories’ unique and valuable qualities and support refractories enterprises worldwide because they are vital to the manufacturing of countless products that ensure the safety and security of our global community.
As governing bodies across the globe continue to assess industries and economic pressures call for stronger networks, the refractory industry embraces increased global cooperation and must always be recognized and categorized as an essential business.